Uwagi o genezie złoża rud miedzi monokliny przedsudeckiej w świetle poglądów C. F. Davidsona


  • Bogusław Bereś
  • Piotr Kijewski


SOME REMARKS ON THE ORIGIN OF COPPER DEPOSITS FROM THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE IN THE VIEW OF C. F. DAVIDSON'S HYPOTHESIS Summary The genesis of copper deposits from the Fore-Sudetic monocline is reinterpreted with taking into account C. F. Davidson's (1962) hypothesis. The analysis shows that the copper deposits may be related to the occurrence of evaporite series, and the deposit concentration may be of descending-epigenetic character. The author admitts that his considerations are tentative and should be verified by the basic geological surveys.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia