Analiza czynnikowa wybranych "przedmiotowych" i "zdarzeniowych" populacji geologicznych


  • Inez Wiatr


FACTOR ANALYSIS OF SELECTED EVENT AND SUBJECT GEOLOGICAL POPULATIONS Summary Factor analysis, R mode and orthogonal rotation was used as a method for studies on structural pattern of physical properties of Mid-Poland Glaciation boulder clays from the Turek area. On the basis of "leading features" distinguished, which seemed to define the whole pattern, equations of multiple regression were formed to test whether or not these properties can serve as a base for estimating other properties as their functions. The factor analysis was treated both as a means of obtaining statistical model of subject geological population, and as an auxiliary tool for distinguishing significant physical parameters (features), subsequently used as a basis in the analysis of factors resulting in groundwater table fluctuations over the areas of valleys of mountain streams.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia