Wykorzystanie badań analitycznych do ustalenia profilów litologiczno- stratygraficznych skał węglanowych triasu rejonu Siewierz-Zawiercie


  • Janusz Pomykała


THE USE OF RESULTS OF ANALYTIC STUDIES IN RECONSTRUCTING LITHOLOGICAL-STRATIGRAPHIC PROFILES OF TRIASSIC CARBONATE ROCKS OF THE SIEWIERZ-ZAWIERCIE REGION Summary An attempt wall made to establish applicability of chemical analyses for the purposes of lithological-stratigraphic subdivision of carbonate rocks of the Upper Silesian Triassic. The analysis was carried out with the use of statistical methods. It was found that the knowledge of characteristic values of geochemical background of dolomites of the Rhöt and ore-bearing dolomites and Diplopora Beds along with some number of chemical analyses concerning other borehole materials are sufficient for highly probable reconstruction of the lithological -stratigraphic position of Triassic carbonate rocks studied.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia