Uwagi na temat badań izotopowych przedkarpackich złóż siarki rodzimej


  • Bohdan Nielubowicz


SOME REMARKS ON THE ISOTOPIC STUDIES ON NATIVE SULPHUR DEPOSITS FROM THE CARPATHIAN FORELAND Summary The present knowledge of isotopic composition of sulphur from native sulphur and sulphates and of carbon from carbonates of the foreland of the Carpathians is discussed on the basis of Polish and Soviet literature. The data from the literature are supplemented with the results of analogous studies carried out on deposits of Sicily (Dessau G., Jensen M. L. and Nakai N., 1962) and Gulf Coast in the U.S.A. (Feely H. W. and Kulp J. L., 1957). The results of isotopic studies on native sulphur deposits of the Carpathian foreland have appeared to be very close to those obtained for the deposits from the Sicily, Texas and Louisiana. The results of the studies and geological characteristics (i.e. the mode of occurrence and structure) of deposit zones from the Carpathian foreland evidence a marked advancement of secondary lateral-secretion processes responsible for a marked obliteration of original character of these deposit zones. The lateral secretion changes effected marginal parts of continuous series of sulphate rocks as well as adjoining carbonate zones. The changes resulted from the action of complex geochemical processes related to circulation of mineralized deep waters, most often at the presence of organic matter and bacteria. In the course of the secretion changes the isotopic effects of earlier stages of the complex process of origin of these deposits were gradually obliterated. This seems to support the point of view that the question of primary origin of exogenic native sulphur deposits of the Carpathian foreland cannot be solved on the basis of isotope characteristics but rather geological characteristics



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia