Jura środkowa niecki miechowskiej SW obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich
MIDDLE JURASSIC OF THE MIECHÓW BASIN AND SOUTH-WESTERN MAR GIN OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS. Summary The stratigraphy of Middle Jurassic deposits from the areas of the Miechów Basin and the south-western margins of the Holy Cross Mts is discussed on the basis of the borehole data and the results of the author's studies on the exposures, respectively. The stratigraphy of the stages older than the Callovian is primarily based on the lithological changes. The history of sedimentation of the Middle Jurassic in this region has been reconstructed in the basis of the analysis of the types of deposits. Three stages of sedimentation, related to paleogeographic changes marked throughout the area of Poland, are distinguished.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia