Wyniki wiercenia Łopiennik IG-1


  • Antoni Marian Żelichowski


RESULTS OF THE BOREHOLE ŁOPIENNIK IG-1 Summary After the preliminary recognition of upper structural stage of the Paleozoic of the Masovian-Lublin trough was completed. The Geological Institute proposed to initiate penetration of the older Paleozoic with drillings. This project was started with drilling made in the area of Krasnystaw (50 km SE of Lublin). It was supposed that the drilling will penetrate older Paleozoic sedimentary series and enter the underlying Vendian intrusive rocks at the depths smaller than 6000 m. The borehole Łopiennik IG-1 fulfilled that task, entering the Vendian basalts at the depth of 5567.4 m and penetrating them to the depth of 5632 m at which it was stopped. The profile of that borehole is as follows: 0 - 66.0 m Quaternary - 749.0 m Cretaceous - 802.0 m Jurassic - 1510.0 m Carboniferous (Upper Visean and Namurian A) - 3005.0 m Lower Devonian (Oldred and underlying marine series) - 4327.5 m Silurian - 4416.7 m Ordovician (Arenigian - Ashgillian) - 4419.5 m ? Tremadocian or ? Upper Cambrian - 5393.5 m Middle and Lower Cambrian - 5632.0 m Vendian (sedimentary series down to 5567.4 m; intrusive rocks below). Horizontal arrangement of beds was found throughout the profile, which confirmed the hypothesis on the occurrence of the Precambrian platform in the basement of the Masovian-Lublin trough



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia