Z badań geologicznych nad druzgotową częścią złoża solnego Wieliczki


  • Andrzej Szybist


GEOLOGICAL STUDIES ON BRECCIATED PART OF WIELICZKA ROCK-SALT DEPOSIT Summary Geological image of Wieliczka salt deposit. Is given on the basis of newly made transversal section through Kinga shaft and some older data. Particular attention was /paid to upper part, so called "brecciated" or '''zuber'' part of the deposits. Geological studies and particularly macroscopic identifications of rocks occurring in that part of the deposit gave the basis for preliminary petrological analysis of rocks from the most easterly parts of the mine. A special attention should be paid to the co-occurrence of two different types of rock-salt blocks in the “brecciated" part of the deposit: blocks of "green" rock-salt, described by several authors, and blocks of rock-salt differing from the former in structure, texture, colour as well as in yielding fairly large, irregular lenses of marly clay. The latter type of rock-salt blocks so called "stainded-glass window" salt blocks were hitherto considered as occasional in that part of the deposit. However, it appears that they are fairly common, forming long oriented horizons. On account of size of halite grains these blocks may be termed as "crystal" and at the same time regarded as an important component of the "brecciated" series.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia