Poziom tonsztajnów wapniowych w warstwach załęskich (orzeskich) w kopalniach Chwałowice i Silesia


  • Jan Kuhl
  • Anna Wilk


CALCAREOUS TONSTEIN HORIZON IN ZAŁĘSKIE (ORZESKIE) BEDS IN CHWAŁOWICE AND SILESIA COAL MINES Summary Tonstein intercalations 2-3 cm thick were found in seam no. 349 of Chwałowice coal mine and seam no. 20 of Silesia coal mine. Palynological analysis has shown that the two seams belong to the same stratigraphic horizon and the tonsteins are found to resemble one another in mineral and chemical compositions. Thus the tonstein intercalations appear to be good marker horizons enabling correlation or even identification of coal seams. The tonsteins appear to be enriched in alkaline plagioclases and aluminium and allophane hydroxides in comparison with others known from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. This indicates that they originated from basic volcanic tuff which underwent kaolinization and boxitization.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia