Wyniki badań złóż bursztynu w okolicach Gdańska


  • Wacław Listkowski
  • Lech Łazowski


RESULTS OF STUDIES ON AMBER DEPOSITS IN THE GDAŃSK AREA Summary Relatively large accumulations of amber were found in the course of geological surveys carried out in Gdańsk area in years 1972-1973. The area studied, representing coastal flat and beach zones in morphology, is built in the subsurface of Holocene supralittoral deposits resting on Pleistocene deposits. Amber was found in the youngest lithological link – complex of post-Littorina sands with thin peat intercalations, 8 m thick. Fields studies and calculations made have shown that amber is either dispersed throughout deposits or forms local fairly rich concentrations, being always accompanied by plant debris resembling that left by waves on modern beaches. Concentration of amber ranges from 0,9 g/m2 to 2597 g/m2. The analysis of the mode and quantitative-qualitative character of occurrence of amber indicates that it was deposited in result of action of two processes cooperating in coastal zone: coastal sedimentation and marine floods. The results of statistical calculations indicate that 95 percent of the amber accumulations correspond to those originating on modern beaches and merely 0.7 percent of the former have no modern equivalents known from that zone. Such proportions seem to reflect the continuity of coastal sedimentation and ephemeral nature of marine floods.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia