Nowe stanowiska fauny mioceńskiej w okolicy Monastyrza i Huty Lubyckiej (południowe Roztocze)


  • Tadeusz Musiał
  • Gwidon Jakubowski


NEW LOCALITY OF MIOCENE FAUNA IN THE AREA OF MONASTYRZ AND HUTA LUBYCKA (ROZTOCZE UPLAND) Summary At Monastyrz (southern Roztocze, south-eastern Poland) a rich assemblage of Miocene fauna was found in series of sands and glauconite-quartz sandstones. This assemblage comprises 12 species of worms, 5 species of brachiopods, 34 species of pelecypods, 35 species of gastropods and other fossils. The following species are recorded for the first time in Poland: worms - Serpula lacera, S. cf. reussi, Pomatoceras triqueter bicanaliculatus, Rotularia cf. pseudospirulaea, Spirorbis declivis; brachiopods - Lingula cf. dumontieri, L. tenuis, Cryptopora nysti, Discina sp.; pelecypods – Nuculana n. sp., Cardium ruthenicum, Lutetia parisiensis, Pleurodesma cf. mayeri; gastropods – Scisurella subaspera, Gibbula zboroviensis, Collonia cf. zboroviensis, Alvania sp. n., Retusa (Retusa) cf. truncatula grundensis, R. (Cylichnina) umbilicata; and cirriped - Lepas miocenicus. This faunal assemblage displays Tortonian habitus but it markedly differs from those known from other localities. Moreover, the forms typical of well-dated clastic horizons of the Tortonian of Poland were not found here. However the presence of Sarmatian forms (Cardium plicatum pseudopolicatum and Calliostoma marginatum) as well as pelecypods (Chlamys posthumus and Nucula placentina) known from the Upper Tortonian, indicates Late Tortonian age of this assemblage.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia