Kilka wniosków o rozmiarach przebudowy makrotektonicznej Wzgórz Strzelińskich na podstawie pomiarów tektonicznych


  • Józef Oberc


THE EXTENT OF MACROTECTONIC REBUILDING OF STRZELIN HILLS IN THE LIGHT OF TECTONIC MEASUREMENTS; SOME REFLECTIONS Summary It the structure of the Strzelin ,hills, three zones diagonal to SW-NE oriented fold structure may be distinguished on the basis of results of tectonic measurements. The northern and southern zones are characterized by primary structure, whereas the middle zone displays a strong rebuilding. The rebuilding is considered by the present author as related to earlier phase of the Early Assynthian movements. An attempt is made to establish the axis B from times of origin of the discontinuous deformation, using summative diagrams and diagrams of factures from various quarries.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia