Rola mikroorganizmów w procesie powstawania złóż siarki okolic Podkarpacia


  • Florian Domka
  • Jan Gąsiorek


CONTRIBUTION OF MICROORGANISMS IN FORMATION OF SULPHUR DEPOSITS IN THE AREAS OF THE PODKARPACIE IN POLAND Summary The conditions of microbial reduction of gypsum (from the area of the Carpathians in Poland) to H2S, by means of bacteria occurring in sulphur waters of Busko resort, were created in the laboratory. Activity of the bacteria occurring in natural sulphur waters and of isolated Desulphovibrio cultures was studied and the character of the effect of some organic compounds, chemical elements, concentration of brines, and other factors on the course of gypsum-reduction process was analysed. The studies confirm the thesis concerning the role of bacteria in the genesis of the Polish sulphur deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia