Analiza wpływu warunków przeprowadzania badań wodochłonności skał litych na wyniki dla potrzeb inżyniersko-geologicznych


  • J. Muchowski
  • J. Stochlak


INFLUENCE OF WATER ABSORBABILITY RESEARCH CONDITIONS OF HARD ROCKS UPON THEIR RESULTS FOR ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PURPOSES Summary In the present paper the authors analyse the calcalution formulae of filtration coefficient under various hydrodynamical conditions and tie this value to that of unit water absorbabilities, as shown in Tab. I. In addition, they make a detailed mathematical analysis of the influence of individual parameter change upon the obtained value of unit water absorbability. It results of this analysis that to secure the comparability of the results it is necessary to unify the construction of bore hole (the authors propose a restriction of bore hole diameters up to 80-120 mm and a limitation of the length of the zone investigated up to 5 m) and to unify, partly at least, the height of pressures applied during the water absorbability of fissured hard rocks.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia