Warunki porównywalności wyników badań wodochłonności skał


  • Wiesław Jawański


CONDITIONS OF COMPARATILITY OF RESULTS OF STUDIES ON WATER ABSORBING CAPACITY OF ROCKS Summary Specific water absorbing capacity determined by means of pumping water under pressure into bore hole or into bore hole zones is a commonly used coefficient of relative water permeability and of cracking degree of rock substratum. A uniform way applied during the researches is a conditioning factor in proper interpretation of the results obtained, i.e. application of similar lengths of zones (4-6 m are proposed as to the Carpathian Flysch) and of similar bore hole diameters, as well as using of constant pressures (2-3 atm) and stabilization of flow during the examination. In addition to this the comparability of the results is also influenced by accessory processes connected with the effects of stress on a rock massif, as disturbance of structure and colmatation of fissures. The existence of these latter (studies under some increasing and decreasing pressures) suggests that the usefulness of the obtained results is doubtful as far as the water permeability of rock is concerned.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia