Powstawanie anomalii uranowych w aluwiach i ich wykrywalność zależnie od uziarnienia analizowanych frakcji


  • T. Depciuch
  • J. Lis
  • S. Przeniosło
  • H. Sylwestrzak


APPEARANCE OF URANIUM ANOMALIES IN ALLUVIA AND POSSIBILITY OF THEIR DETECTION DEPENDING ON GRANULARITY OF THE ANALYSED FRACTIONS Summary The paper deals with the process of appearance of uranometric anomalies in alluvial deposits. The researches made in several areas of Sudetes have shown that uranium cor. strean stream alluvial deposits is lower than that (Tabs (Tab. I). The study on uranium content inis grams granulometric fractions of the alluvial deposits concerns samples comprised in anomalous population and those characteristic of uranium content enclosed within the geochemical background of the sampling area. The results of uranium determination in the individual fractions are shown on Tab. II. These results indicate that: a) in normal samples belonging to the population of geochemical background, the uranium content does not depend upon the coarseness of fraction and keeps more or less steady, b) in anomalous samples a distinct differentiation is observed in the uranium content. Highest uranium content appears in the finest fractions (below 0,1 mm in diameter). With the increase of grain size the uranium contents decrease. When the finest fraction is lacking, the uranium determination for prospecting purposes may be made using a fraction below 0,4 mm in diameter. In analysing this fraction, the contrast of a survey becomes worse, nevertheless, all anomalous samples may be detected. Therefore, to obtain comparable results only identical fractions should be used for analysis.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia