Uwagi o znaczeniu karbońskich łupków ogniotrwałych z kopalni "Słupiec" dla przemysłu materiałów ogniotrwałych


  • Kazimierz Chmura


SIGNIFICANCE OF CARBONIFEROUS REFRACTIVE SLATES FROM THE "SŁUPIEC" MINE FOR THE INDUSTRY OF THE FIREPROOF MATERIALS Summary The article deals with the results of microscope examinations, chemical composition and physical properties of the Słupiec refractive slate in its fresh state and after burning in various temperatures. Both mineral and chemical quantitative compositions are given too. It was stated that the Słupiec refractive slate contains 56,16-73,50 per cent of kaolinite, 4,25-9,80 per cent of dickite, 9,50-14,00 per cent of diaspore, 0,10-2,01 per cent of quartz, approximately 0,80 per cent of mica (muscovite), 2,00-10,00 per cent of coal substance, and 0,20-10,67 per cent of siderite. Besides the components mentioned above the following minerals are found in minor quantities: ilmenite, pyrite, calcite, rhodochrosite and feldspars. It was also shown that the slate investigated is characterized by greater contents of Al2O3, exceeding in some beds of the refractive slate 40 per cent in weight. As far as the normal refractoriness is concerned, the slate under study shows great changes ranging from 158 to more than 177 sP. In the light of physical and chemical properties and of mineralogical researches of the raw refractive slate, there are given also ceramic characteristics of the slate burnt in the temperatures 1200, 1300, 1400 and 1500°C. Magnitude of losses owing to burning in various temperatures are presented, as well. On the basis of the fritting degree, the author draws conclusion that the process of burning the Słupiec slate gives the best results at the temperatures from 1400 to 1500°C, if the progress 50°C/h is taken into consideration; this results in both the relative and the absolute lowest porosities ranging between 12 and 20 per cent, in minimum burning losses (l per cent) and in adequate mineralization providing a high corrosion resistance of the fireclay articles.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia