Litologia i stratygrafia przewierconych warstw w otworze Dębica


  • Eugeniusz Głowacki


THE LITHOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BEDS PIERCED IN BORE HOLE DĘBICA Summary In the present paper the author gives the geological results obtained from bore hole Dębica (Fig. l), where Miocene, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic and Carboniferous deposits were pierced through and Precambrian (Riphean) formations were encountered. The Lower Carboniferous deposits, developed at the top part in a clayey-arenaceous facies, and at the bottom part in a carbonate facies, are most interesting here. The lithologic-stratigraphical profile of the Carboniferous deposits found in the bore hole discussed is similar to that existing at Podborze, near Mielec. After describing the deposits investigated, the author discusses some problems concerning palaeogeography and tectonics of the fore-land of the Middle Carpathians mainly, however, of their south-western part. Special attention has been paid to the block-like differentiation of the area studied, to the influence of this differentiation on the distribution of the Miocene substratum deposits, as well as to the development of the Miocene, particularly of the super-anhydrite series of the Upper Tortonian and Lower Sarmatian. According to the author, the investigation of development of the Miocene deposits is here of considerable importance, especially when explaining the mechanics of the fore-deep development.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia