Perspektywy poszukiwań karbonu w depresji północnosudeckiej


  • Jerzy Milewicz


PERSPECTIVES IN SEARCH FOR CARBONIFEROUS DEPOSITS IN THE NORTH-SUDETIC DEPRESSION Summary The Upper Carboniferous deposits discovered by J. Milewicz are found in the southern part of the North-Sudetic depression in a 70 km long belt stretching from the Lubań vicinities as far as the Świerzawa area (Fig. 1). Width of this basin does not exceed 15 km in the eastern part, increasing, however, toward the west. The Upper Carboniferous basin is filled up with conglomerates and sandstones containing intercalations of claystones which belong to Westfalian D and Stephanian. The North-Sudetic Carboniferous occurs in the area of the northern margin of Bohemian Massif. In similar situation are also Intrasudetic depression and Saxonian trough (Fig. 2), which are coal-bearing areas. Therefore, it may be supposed that the North-Sudetic Carboniferous deposits also represent a coal-bearing area there. To explain the problem considered a programme of prospecting work has been proposed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia