Wstępne wiadomości o złożu kwarcu w Taczalinie k. Legnicy


  • Teresa Czyżowa
  • Alfred Majerowicz


PRELIMINARY DATA ON QUARTZ DEPOSIT AT TACZALIN NEAR LEGNICA Summary In the area of the Middle Sudetes foreland (north of Taczalin) a quartz vein (800 m. long and 35 m. wide) crops out among gneissose granite and crystalline schists. For the most part, the vein consists of milk-white coarse-grained or variously grained quartz, the larger crystals of which are of columnar habitus, at places. Under the microscope, at least two generations of quartz may be distinguished. Probably, the deposit is a bottom part of a vein originated, due to the hydrothermal processes in the disjunction zones, from the formations displaced during the Variscian orogeny. The examinations allow to state that the quartz rock from Taczalin contains mostly over 99 per cent silica and may be used in metallurgical, ceramic and refractory material industries.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia