Korelacja profilów triasu i dolnej jury w NE Polsce i na Litwie


  • Ryszard Dadlez
  • Anna Szyperko-Śliwczyńska


CORRELATION OF THE TRIASSIC AND THE LOWER JURASSIC PROFILES IN NORTH-EASTERN POLAND AND IN LITHUANIA Summary In connection with the new stratigraphical scheme of the Triassic formations in Lithuania (J. L. Kisnerius, 1963), the present authors draw conclusions, as follows: l. In the relatively complete Triassic profiles of the north-eastern area of Poland (Nidzica, Olszyny, Pisz, Ełk, Ostrów Mazowiecka), the undoubted Muschelkalk beds represent a separate series occurring much higher than that containing oolite limestones (the upper part of the Nemunas series, according to J . L. Kisnerius). Therefore, this latter should not be referred to the Middle Triassic, but to the upper part of the Lower Buntsandstein, and the whole Nemunas series discussed by J. L. Kisnerius, to the Lower Buntsandstein. Consequently the Palanga series of J. L. Kisnerius corresponds with the lower Warmia series in Poland, and the lower Taurage series with the upper Warmia series. According to the present authors, both series belong to the Middle Buntsandstein. 2. North of the more complete profiles mentioned above, a stratigraphical hiatus appears, increasing more and more. Successively, the profile lacks Keuper (Pisz, Ełk, Kętrzyn), Lower Rhaetian (Olszyny), Muschelkalk with Roethian (Kętrzyn, Bartoszyce) and Upper Rhaetian (Gołdap). Thus, in the Lithuanian area, similarly as in the Polish frontier zone, the Middle Buntsandstein is overlain by the Liassic or the Upper Rhaetian deposits. 3. The upper Taurage series mainly represents Liassic deposits, however, in the central part of the Peribaltic syneclise, together with the Upper Liassic.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia