Zastosowanie metod geofizycznych oj geochemicznych do poszukiwań i lokalizowania stref ekstruzji skał zasadowych Ziemi Krakowskiej


  • Andrzej Jaworski


APPLICATION OF GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOCHEMICAL METHODS IN SEARCHING AND LOCALIZATION OF ZONES OF EXTRUSION OF BASIC ROCKS IN KRAKÓW AREA Summary The article presents a discussion of results of measurements made by a magnetic and a geochemical methods in the area of occurrence of basic intrusive rocks in Kraków region (Fig.). It is shown that these methods can be used to make geological map of SE part of the margins of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, and especially in the mapping of pre-Quaternary outcrops of intrusive rocks and in the identification of deeper situated volcanic chimneys through which lavas penetrated to the surface. It is stressed that the geochemical investigations involving determination of the content of elements of iron group and other heavy metal elements in soil (Table) make it possible to determine type of underlying rock, outline of their outcrop under Quaternary deposits and degree of mineralization of the area. An index element for this type of investigations is, first of all, nickel which can easily be determined under field conditions. It is suggested to carry out detailed supplementary magnetic surveys in areas chosen on the basis of the results of the present-day studies (Fig.) and to carry out a quantitative interpretation of these works and control drillings in order to locate the so far unknown zones of occurrence of volcanic chimneys of the, basic rocks discussed above.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia