Wykorzystanie kierunkowych właściwości fal akustycznych do pomiaru parametrów fal poprzecznych w otworze wiertniczym


  • Anna Jaroszewska
  • Wacław Kołtoński


THE USE OF THE DIRECTIONAL PROPERTIES OF ACCUSTIC WAVES IN BOREHOLES FOR ESTIMATING THE PARAMETERS OF TRANSVERSAL WAVES Summary The parameters of transversal waves propagation belong to the group of petrophysical properties which have not been studied in Poland up to now. Propagation of acoustic waves in the borehole and at the boundary of two media is discussed. A method of measurement of the parameters of transversal waves propagation in boreholes is proposed. Its applicability was verified on rock samples under laboratory conditions. The. results of the laboratory tests were used for construction of prototypes of a plummet. The prototypes constructed were tested in shallow boreholes. The results obtained are presented in the paper; some measurement errors found may be explained by an inadequate preservation of the boreholes. Propositions concerning some changes in the procedure that would make it possible to reduce the errors are given, and the method of estimating the velocities of transversal waves is discussed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia