Odciski octanowe i metapleksowe w analizie petrograficznej skał węglanowych


  • Marek Narkiewicz
  • Mirosław Krajewski


ACETATE AND METAPLEX PEELS IN PETROLOGICAL STUDIES OF CARBONATE ROCKS Summary The relief of carbonate rock sample cut and etched with acid may be recorded using translucent plastic film. The reprint (peel) obtained is suitable for detailed petrological studies. The studies carried out by the authors have confirmed the applicability of this technique, widely applied in some countries except for Poland. The peels were made using 1-acetate cellulose as well as easily obtainable metaplex (methyl polvmetacrylene) films. The best dissolvent for the latter consists of the following components: 10 parts ethyl acetate, 4 parts of methyl metacrylene, and 3 parts of 3-chloroethylene. The peels made using such films may often be used instead of thin sections in petrological studies of carbonate series. The peels technique appears superior to thin-sections techniqueas the peels are ma•rkedly less time-consuming and cheaper as well as there are no size limits and it is possible to study the rock microstructure on much greater scale. The authors emphasize the possibilities of use of the acetate and metaplex peels in studies of thick carbonate series and in order to record core material.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia