O metodyce badań mikropaleontologicznych zastosowanej przy identyfikacji próbek pochodzących z zabytków i złóż Ziemi Wiślickiej


  • Ewa Odrzywolska-Bieńkowa


METHODOLOGY OF MICROPALEONTOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION OF THE PLACE OF ORIGIN OF THE LOCAL ROCKS USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MONUMENTAL BUILDINGS OF THE WIŚLICA AREA Summary The micropaleontological analysis was applied as a tool for identification of the place of origin of the rocks used for architectural purposes. The results obtained have shown that such approach may be useful for both restauration and studies of historical monuments. Moreover, the approach appears particularly important in identifications of lithologically monotonous rocks such as Lithothamnium and bryozoan Tertiary limestones. The procedure of rocks preparation for micropaleontological studies is discussed in detail. Moreover, groups of microorganic remains applicable for rock identification are listed. The rock samples analysed were taken from fragments of architectonic monuments and various deposits of building rocks of the Wójcza - Pińczów Range. Some difficulties resulted from fragmentary rock material from architectonic fragments, in comparison with vast amounts of material from quarries. Occassionally, in the case of the lack of microfauna the analysis was carried out on the basis of lithological features of rock residuum and by comparison with the results of petrological analyses carried out independently by Dr. A. Rydzewski of the Geological Institute, Warsaw. The results of micropaleontoIogical and petrological studies were also compared when the rock was too hard to free microorganisms. The paper contains numerous photos of microfaunistic assemblages typical of different rook: types resembling the rock samples from architectural fragments. However, it should be stressed that not all the microfaunistic assemblages of rook samples from the architectural monuments were found in samples taken in the quarries. The final part of the paper deals with the results 01. micropaleontological studies of the rocks used for the construction of monumental buildings from the Wiślica area, and a list of Badenian and Sarmatian rocks, the counter parts of which were found in the field material analysed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia