Mineralizacja wolframowa w grejzenach Pogórza Izerskiego


  • Łukasz Karwowski


TUNGSTEN MINERALIZATION IN GREISENS OF THE IZERA UPLAND Summary The disseminated tungsten mineralization was ascertained in greisens of Izera Upland. The greisens are developed by replacement of metamorphic rocks (gneisses and granite-gneisses) and metasomatic leucogranites. Ferberite and secondary post-ferberitic scheelite are the main tungsten minerals. On the other hand, the permanent occurrence of Nb-bearing rutile as well as the minor amounts of cassiterite, native bistmuth, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite was stated in the whole greisen zone. On the basis of the investigations on fluid inclusions in greisen minerals and decrepitation determinations it may be assumed that greisens with accompanying ore mineralization originated under conditions of high-temperature (400-300°C) hydrotherm from moderately concentrated solutions rich in CO2, at pressure about 800 atm.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia