Zagrożenia gazowe w Rybnickim Okręgu Węglowym w świetle badań geologicznych


  • Jan Borowski


GAS THREATENING IN THE RYBNIK COAL DISTRICT IN THE LIGHT OF GEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES Summary A study was made in the Main Mining Institute on gassing phenomena in the strong gaseous coal mines within the southern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. In the mine workings, embraced by the study here considered, a detailed geological profiling was made and a comparison of the results obtained from the examinations of gassiness with those of the geological investigations was performed. This proves a certain relationships existing between gas contents in coal deposits and their geological structure. Knowledge of these relationships makes possible to estimate gas contents in the coal deposits, during geological documentation phase, and to restrict special examinations to a reasonable minimum.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia