Kopalnia siarki w Piasecznie


  • Stanisław Pawłowski
  • Katarzyna Pawłowska
  • Bolesław Kubica


SULPHUR MINE AT PIASECZNO Summary The authors briefly give several dates determining the dynamical development of sulphur problem in Poland, exemplified by the mine at Piaseczno. Thus, the geological situation of the deposit is characterized and illustrated by means of schematic cross sections (Figs l and 4). As far as the studies on the genesis of the deposit and on the conditions preserving the native sulphur deposit are concerned, the character of the barren limestones at Wygnanów, which occur above the horizon of mineralized waters, and that of the limestones with sulphur at Piaseczno, which occur within the zone of the hydrogen sulphide waters - are very interesting there. The sulphur was removed where the karst phenomena were developed, and its dislocation took place where some movements were possible and exchange of waters may have taken place. The sulphur deposit at Piaseczno (Fig. 4) developed within the maximum, local and structural elevation. Over a vast area the deposit is of sheet-like character. Residual remnants of selenite, breccia and laminated gypsums, partly altered, belong to the scientific curiosities there. They reflect various stages of metasomatic processes which prove a thesis of epigenetical origin of the native sulphur at Piaseczno. Chemical composition of sulphur ore is given on Tab. I, mineral composition - on Tab. II. In this aspect, the sulphur ore from Piaseczno is similar to that from Rozdół, near Mikołajów, a fact proving the genetical relationship of both deposits occurring in the same province of the Miocene (Tortonian) deposits of native sulphur.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia