Model prędkościowy zachodniej części obszaru przedsudeckiego


  • Zygmunt Śliwiński


SEISMICAL VELOCITY PATTERN OF THE WESTERN PART OF THE FORE-SUDETIC AREA Summary Some results are presented of an analysis of seismical velocities measured in 30 bore holes located in the western part of the Fore-Sudetic area. Generalized vertical hodographs were calculated for determined lithostratographical series by means of averaging the increases of times Δt for the same depth intervals, and approximated to the functions of T = aZb type. Moreover, vertical hodographs combined of generalized hodographs were compared with those measured in bore holes. The seismical velocity pattern was also made along the section cutting transversally the western part of the Fore-Sudetic area, and the influence of regional horizontal velocity gradient upon the preciseness of seismical interpretations was illustrated, as well.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia