Profil wiercenia w Bożej Woli


  • Henryk Jurkiewicz


GEOLOGICAL SECTION AT BOŻA WOLA Summary The present author describes the geological section obtained from bore hole made at Boża Wola (Święty Krzyż Mts). The bore hole has yielded much interesting geological materials as to the Mesozoic and Palaeozoic formations occurring in the western zone of the Świety Krzyż Mts., at the close contact with the Nida trough. An ascertainment of the Quaternary deposits, amounting to 50 m in thickness, and of the Albian deposits stretching in the axial part of the Dobromierz brachyanticline is here of great importance. So far, the deposits mentioned above have not been presented on geological maps of the area discussed. Saline development of the Lower Keuper, particutarly that of the Middle Muschelkalk, is worthy of stress here. The lack of Zechstein deposits in the Palaeozoic basement is an unexpected result there.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia