Najważniejsze kierunki i pierwsze wyniki współpracy geologów RWPG


  • Boris Nikonowicz Jerofiejew


THE MOST IMPORTANT TRENDS AND THE FIRST RESULTS OF CO-OPERATION OF GEOLOGISTS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE COUNCIL FOR MUTUAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Summary Organization of multilateral scientific-technical co- operation in geology, studies and co-ordination of geologial research works conducted within the most perspective areas of the countries-members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance belong to the most important tasks of the Standing Geological Commission of the Council. These tasks, among others, consist in recommendations for the countries-members of the Council, as to: l) determination of more important trends in geological researches, 2) improvement of existing, and elaboration of new research methods, 3) estimate of perspective reserves of fundamental useful mineral raw materials, 4) common geological-reconnaissance works. Taking into account the problems mentioned above, the Standing Geological Commission of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance performed certain important works in the period of the last two years.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia