Kierunki prac geologiczno-rozpoznawczych w Ludowej Republice Bułgarii w latach 1966-1970


  • Jowczo Jowczew


TRENDS OF GEOLOGIC-RECONNAISSANCE WORKS IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA IN THE YEARS 1966-1970 Summary During the period 1966-1970 the Bulgarian geological survey bas to solve some tasks aiming at the increase of the mineral raw material reserves necessary in the national economy. The author, referring to the geological structure of Bulgaria, gives a series of problems, among which the following are most important: l) search for new oil and gas deposits, 2) increase of non-iron metal ore and iron ore reserves, 3) perspectives of discovering new coal reserves, 4) increase of non-metallic mineral raw material reserves, 5) researches of underground waters and determination of their reserves. When realizing the problems mentioned above, the Bulgarian geological service avails itself of the experience and co-operation among the countries belonging to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia