Ważniejsze kierunki prac geologicznych w ZSRR na najbliższe lata i zagadnienia współpracy w ramach RWPG


  • Aleksandr Wasil’ewicz Sidorenko


MORE IMPORTANT TRENDS IN GEOLOGICAL WORKS IN THE SOVIET UNION FOR THE NEAREST YEARS AND PROBLEMS OF COLLABORATION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE COUNCIL FOR MUTUAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Summary The period of the last seven-year plan was characterized in the Soviet Union by the great progress in geological reconnaissance works and by the fulfilment of the tasks embracing most of the important kinds of mineral raw materials, as well as by the increase of recognized resources of combustibles and of other useful mineral raw materials. At the period here considered some new oil and gas-bearing areas were discovered in West Kazakhstan, Central Asia, West Siberia, Ukraina and Crimea, Byelorussia and in other regions of the country. The reserves of coking coals have increased, and new deposits of power coal have been discovered (Kuzbas, Kansko-Archinskij Basin). Moreover, large iron ore deposits were at that time recognized (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly), a non-iron ore deposit was taken over by the industry, and the base for diamond industry was prepared in the Yakutsk ASSR, as well. The further development of the base of mineral raw materials, necessary to meet the demands of the national economics of the country, belongs to the fundamental tasks of the geologic-reconnaissance works in the next two years.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia