Postulaty rolnictwa w zakresie badania stosunków wodnych w zasięgu wpływu kopalnictwa odkrywkowego


  • Józef Dłużewski


DEMANDS OF AGRICULTURE AS TO THE EXAMINATIONS OF WATER CONDITIONS WITHIN THE INFLUENCE AREA OF THE OPEN-CAST MINING Summary On account of a rapid development of mining industry the problem of mine dewatering influencing and conditioning the use of the terrains round about the mines, becomes more and more important. One deep open-cast mine is responsible for a drainage of an area of some thousands km2. This problem is being investigated by the Geological Institute conducting at present a complex geological elaboration within the new mining area near Bełchatów. Particular attention is paid to the problem of hydrogeological conditions within the cone of depression. Simultaneously, methods are elaborated of hydrogeological and engineering-geological researches during documentation of deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia