Analiza odkształceń skał górnokredowych synklinorium lubelskiego w badaniach wytrzymałościowych na zgniatanie


  • Halina Łozińska-Stępień


ANALYSIS OF UPPER CRETACEOUS ROCK DEFORMATIONS IN THE RESISTANCES EXAMINATIONS, LUBLIN SYNCLINORIUM Summary The Upper Cretaceous rocks, stratigraphically belonging to the Turonian and Maestrichtian, and represented mainly by opoka marls; clay limestones, opoka limestones and marly opoka, have been examined as to their crushing resistance. On the basis of resistance examinations an analysis of deformations of these rocks bas been made using photographical method. This method allowed to determine boundary of proportionality, coefficient of poportionality, boundary of crushing resistance of the samples spatially oriented, and magnitude of deformations within the tensions from O to the boundary of proportionality of crushing resistance. It has been stated on the examinations made that the rocks under study are anizotropic, and when charged and discharged show elastic-plastic deformations.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia