Geologiczne opracowania niemieckie z terenu Dolnego Śląska


  • Jerzy Milewicz


GEOLOGICAL ELABORATIONS OF GERMAN GEOLOGISTS AS TO THE AREA OF LOWER SILESIA Summary In the German post-war geological literature we may find articles concerning the area of Lower Silesia. These articles were written as a result of the presence of German authors within the area of Poland before or after 1945, and were published by both GDR and GFR geologists. A considerable part of the authors from GDR in these publications may be thought to be the result of their work carried on in the frontier areas. The papers here considered may be subdivided into five groups as follows: l) post-war elaborations based, however, on the results gathered or published before 1945, 2) regional elaborations of larger areas, in which the Polish territories, constituting a part of an elaboration, are presented through the adaptation of the results of German researches together with Polish publications, or as a "prolongation of conceptions" of the German authors from the areas west of Poland. 3) own elaborations of the German authors based on the materials collected during the stay in Poland and published separately or as a fragment of a greater paper, 4) articles bearing the character of published reports after the tours of duty of the German geologists in Poland, 5) the publication by M. Schwarzbach, constituting special position there, is a bibliography of German papers on the Silesian area, published from 1914 to 1945.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia