Obróbka mechaniczna ziarn kwarcu w środowisku glacjalnym, wodnym i eolicznym


  • Roman Racinowski


MECHANICAL REWORKING OF QUARTZ GRAINS IN GLACIAL, AQUEOUS AND AEOLIAN ENVIRONMENTS Summary The article presents the results of study on rounding of feldspar grains in boulder clays and in fluvioglacial, marine, lacustrine, fluviatile and aeolian sands. The author states that the angular grains occur in small quantities in all kinds of the deposits; predominant are here rounded and partly rounded grains. Rounding degree of the quartz grains is various in various genetical types of the deposits, however, some similarities may be observed, as well. These latter are thought to be connected with the transport of material from one sedimentary environment to the other. This phenomenon is particularly characteristic of the Pleistocene deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia