O stateczności zwałów kopalń rud żelaza w okręgu częstochowskim


  • Krzysztof Meissner


ON THE STATIC STATE OF DUMPS IN THE IRON ORE MINES IN THE CZĘSTOCHOWA REGION Summary The article sums up the results of the geologic- engineering researches made on the dumps of the iron ore mines in the Częstochowa region. In Tb. I are summed up the results of field observations, Tab. II comprises the results of studies on laboratory physical and mechanical indices of the material dumped, and Tab. III gives the results of computations of static state of the dumps investigated. The works carried out allowed to state that the Częstochowa mine dumps are fairly static at present, however, no attention is paid to the investigations of dump substratum, which is of great importance as concerns static state of the dumps considered.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia