Zarys budowy geologicznej Lubelskiego Basenu Karbońskiego


  • Antoni Maria Żelichowski


OUTLINE OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE LUBLIN CARBONIFEROUS BASIN Summary The paper deals with the Carboniferous formations occurring in the Lublin region (Eastern Poland). The area of their oocurrence has been called the Lublin Carboniferous Basin. It has developed within the marginal zone of the East-European Platform. In its substratum various stratigraphical members from the Eocambrian to the Upper Devonian have been encountered. Distribution of these rocks is various: in the western part the formation of rocks called Lublinides, from Cambrian to Silurian in age is folded, in the eastern part, however, the rocks are characteristic of platform development. The course of their boundary is shown on Fig. l. In the author's opinion the boundary coincides with the course of deep fracture running in the crystalline basement. In the western part the older Palaeozoic is overlain by the Old-Red deposits of the Lower Devonian. In the southeastern part a continuity may be seen from the Lower Devonian up to the Tournaisian. Within the sedimentation area, three great cyclothems have been distinguished. In the area considered, two zones may be observed as follows: a northeastern zone of reduced thicknesses and a southwestern one of continuous and great thickness (Fig. 3). Their boundary runs along a flexural bend (Fig. 1). The Lublin Carboniferous Basin represents a fore-deep developed within the foreland of the Variscian Łysogóry Mts. At the Carboniferous time several phases took place, reflecting here the mountain-building phases. The Bretonian phase was characteristic of discontinuous dislocations and volcanic phenomena, as well as of a local discontinuity. There are no data proving the existence of the Sudetic phase here. The Kruszcowe Mts-phase took place at the Upper Namurian time and resulted in a disappearance of marine deposits and in a transition into limnic ones. The youngest Variscian phase was here represented by the Asturian phase.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia