Mapa geologiczno-inżynierska Warszawy

Jan Malinowski



The paper deals with the principles of drawing up the geologic-engineering map of Warsaw, and discusses its contents. Moreover, there are presented also the most important geologic-engineering problems resulting of the map, in connexion with the building- up of the capital.
On the whole, the map is a compilation of all the existing geological, cartographical, drill and text materials, published and archival. In methodical assumption, detachment of building grounds was based on classification PN-B/54-02480.
In this manner, six maps were made from the horizons 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 m below the earth's surface. A subdivision into geological-engineering regions was also presented on the maps, according to geomorphological criteria.
In addition to the map of grounds, also a map of admissible loads at the depths of 2 and 4 m. below the earth's surface was prepared on the map of building grounds.
Moreover, there was made a documentation map and map showing new measuring points, too. The map was made for building and architectural purposes in the scope of development plans of the capital of the country.

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