Regionalne badania geotermiczne na profilu Chociwel-Lębork
REGIONAL GEOTHERMAL STUDIES ON CHOCIWEL-LĘBORK PROFILE Summary The paper presents the results of surface geothermal studies carried out along the Chociwel-Lębork regional profile in north-western Poland. The studies were aimed at evaluating the applicability of the geothermal method in regional studies of geological structure. Changes in soil temperature at 2 m depth were analysed from the point of view of effects of subsurficial agents and subsequently compiled and compared with the results of seismic and telluric surveys. A connection between thermal anomalies and zones of disturbance of Cenozoic substratum is inferred. Further experimental works are necessary to make the interpretation of geothermal field unequivocal.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia