Nowe dane o stratygrafii i tektogenezie starszego paleozoiku w Polsce


  • Henryk Tomczyk


NEW DATA ON STRATIGRAPHY AND TECTOGENESIS OF THE OLDER PALAEOZOIC IN POLAND Summary At the boundary of the Middle and Upper Cambrian an orogenesis of one of the late Salair phases took place, locally determined as the Holy Cross phase. It caused an uplifting of the southern area, and a retreating of the Upper Cambrian basin to the Łysogóra area. The successive Sandomirian phase, corresponding to the Sardian phase, interrupted, at the boundary of the Upper Cambrian and the Tremadocian or lowermost Tremadocian, the cycle of the Upper Cambrian sedimentation in Łysagóra Mts, uplifting this area and simultaneously lowering the southern region, where the transgressive Upper Tremadocian invaded, giving distinct discordances in relation to the Precambrian or Lower or Middle Cambrian. Further phenomena of movements still genetically connected with the Sandomirian phase appeared only at the Upper Lanvirnian time (Didymograptus murchinsoni). These may be referred to the young Sardian movements or to the Vermont phase in Scandinavia. However, the author has distinguished these movements and called them the Łysogóra phase. This latter lowered the elevation in Łysogóra Mts, where, for the first time the Ordovician of Llandeilo age entered their northern slope and ended the sedimentation of the shallow-neritic Lower Ordovician in the central part (Tab. I), and considerably shallowed the existing depression of Brzeziny. This conformity of the geological phenomena is the best prove of movements, which has been reported even from the platform area, and the fore-field of the Carpathians, as well. The distribution of facies of the discussed formations does not prove the regional-structural subdivisions by J. Czarnocki, i. e. the Łysagóra-geosynclinal region and the separate Kie1ce-geanticlinal region, all the more the conclusions by J. Znosko, who states that the movements of the Caledonian orogenesis have only been restricted to the Kielce region, and these of the Hercynian orogenesis to the Łysogóra region.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia