Ocena możliwości zmniejszenia importu niektórych surowców mineralnych z punktu widzenia perspektyw bazy surowcowej


  • Franciszek Kozubski


ESTIMATE OF POSSIBILITY OF DECREASING THE IMPORT OF SOME MINERAL RAW MATERIAL FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF RAW MATERIAL BASE Summary The article deals with the problem of possibility of decreasing the import of deficient mineral raw materials to which belong: crude oil, iron ores, potash salts, ores of rare metals and phosphorites. The problem of considerable decreasing of import of mineral raw materials is mainly connected with the possibilities of increasing the resources of these raw materials. According to this, it is necessary to begin or to intensify the exploitation of the home mineral raw materials, which may replace the expensive imported ones, and to conduct the new planned prospecting works in the perspective areas of the country. A short review made in the present paper shows that the base of resources provides the possibility of restricting or even of complete eliminating the import of some mineral raw materials.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia