Osiągnięcia w prawodawstwie geologicznym w okresie XX-lecia Polski Ludowej


  • Zbigniew Żółtowski


ACHIEVEMENTS IN GEOLOGICAL LEGISLATION IN XX YEARS OF POLISH PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Summary The author discusses the genesis of geological legislation, the beginnings of which are dated back to the XIX c. However, due to the partition of Poland by invaders, the juridical basis did not existed for a development of geological law. The very development of law began only in 1919 after creation of the State Geological Institute. However, owing to scarce financial means for geological works, the juridical basis was also lacking, in this respect, till 1938. Only after the World War II, in 1952, i. e. after resolution No 864 of the Council of Ministers, concerning establishing and confirming the resources of mineral raw materials, there arose juridical bases for many-sided geological activity regulated by mining law. In the next years, a number of laws regulating the geological activity appeared and then the Central Office for Geology was established. In 1960, the parliament of the Polish People's Republic elaborated and ratified the geological law. This latter, together with the mining, water and construction laws, makes a harmonious set of proscriptions regulating the use of geographical environments for national economy.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia