Osiągnięcia w dziedzinie petrografii skał osadowych w XX-leciu PRL


  • Maria Turnau-Morawska


ACHIEVEMENTS IN SEDIMENTARY PETROGRAPHY DURING THE LAST XX YEARS Summary Important achievements in the study of sedimentary rocks may be observed in Poland during the last twenty years. Intense studies of sediments were performed in several scientific centres: in the laboratories of the University Warsaw and Cracow, in the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Geological Survey Warsaw and Cracow, in the Mining School Cracow and in the Central Mining Institute Katowice. The researches concerned many problems of sedimentary processes, environmental conditions, authigenic mineral formation, often in connection with the origin of mineral deposits. Some new systems of classification were proposed and improvements in the investigation methods were presented.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia