Nowe występowanie iłów ogniotrwałych w okolicy Siewierza


  • Zygmunt Górzyński
  • Janusz Pomykała


NEW OCCURRENCE SITES OF REFRACTORY CLAYS IN THE VICINITIES OF SIEWIERZ Summary The article deals with the occurrence conditions of new refractory clay deposits in the vicinities of Siewierz. The refractory clays under discussion are of Lower Liassic age and occur together with other deposits of this period. Thickness of refractory clays ranges from 0,7 to 15,0 m. The Liassic deposit profile begins with arenaceous-gravelly series containing sandstones, at places. Higher up, there occurs a complex of siltstone-clayey deposits with the refractory clays discussed here, partly also with brown coal seams. Overburden of the Liassic deposits consists of the Quaternary alluvial sands, at places also of aeolian accumulation and clays. Substratum of the area is built up of the Triassic carbonate formations, and in the southeastern part of the deposits - of the Keuper clays and claystones. Tectonic structure of the area discussed is relatively simple. The basement is characteristic of fault and horst-like tectonics, the younger sedimentary formations, however, show a table-like and beddy structure, with slight dip in a northeastern direction. The whole area is so far inadequately recognized. This will be possible only after performation of detailed investigations in the future.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia