Współzależność składu mineralnego i niektórych fizycznych własności glin ceglarskich
INTERRELATION OF MINERAL COMPOSITION AND OF SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BRICK CLAYS Summary The knowledge of mineral composition of clay rocks meets still at present with great difficulties arising, inter alia, from a strong comminution. So far, a series of modern methods has been elaborated and introduced into the study on clay minerals, and various properties of these latter have been used for this purpose. The article represents a part of investigatory works carried on at the Chair of Red Ceramics and Stoneware Technology; Academy of Mine and Metallurgy in Cracow. The purpose of the study is to investigate in detail the properties of brick clays and to establish their technological classification. On account of some relations existing between mineral composition and technological properties of clays there has been investigated mineral composition of brick clays of known origin and age, which are characteristic of relatively percentage use in the construction ceramics industry in Poland. The investigations aimed to trace the qualitative mineral composition, its differentiations, and explanation of different behaviour of raw materials during technological processes, mainly, however, in a relation clay - water, and in the increased temperatures.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia