Subregionalne zróżnicowanie wykształcenia młodoplejstoceńskich deluwiów na obszarze wyżyn Polski Południowej i przylegających nizin środkowopolskich


  • Janusz Stochlak


SUBREGIONAL DIFFERENTIATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LATE PLEISTOCENE DELLUVIA IN THE AREA OF SOUTH POLISH HIGHLANDS AND ADJOINING CENTRAL POLISH LOWLANDS Summary Slope wash processes markedly contributed to periglacial morphogenesis of slope zones of the south Polish highlands. These processes predominated in the development of slope zones, especially close to the end of thermohygrotic and at the beginning of cryohygrotic phases of the Last Glaciation, i.e. during the Eowürm, early Mesowürm, and late Neowürm. Solifluction and other typical and omnipresent processes of the group of mass movements were of secondary importance in those times. Relief-forming role of slope wash processes in periglacial environments is, therefore, equally important as that of mass movements.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia