Kopalny profil wietrzeniowy wapieni i margli górnojurajskich (dolnokimeryjskich) sprzed transgresji albskiej z Ożarowa


  • Jerzy Liszkowski


A PRE-ALBIAN WEATHERING PROFILE OF UPPER JURASSIC (LOWER KIMMERIDGIAN) LIMESTONES AND MARLS FROM OŻARÓW Summary A preliminary paleopedological characteristics of fossil weathering profile developed on Lower Kimmeridgian limestones and marls and buried by marine Upper Albian deposits from Ożarów (Central Poland) is given. The profile appears somewhat similar to recent brown soils and, to some degree, darkbrown soils from semi-desert Mediterranean regions of the Minor Asia, Israel and Spain, as well as calcareous brown soils from California and Colorado. It suggests a predominance of subtropical semiarid climate in that region in times before the onset of Albian marine transgression.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia