Charakterystyka hydrogeologiczna regionu świętokrzyskiego
HYDROGEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS REGION Summary The region of the Holy Cross Mts comparises south-eastern part of the Mid-Polish anticlinorium where the maximum elevations are built of the Paleozoic of these mountains, surrounded from NW and S by Mesozoic rocks. The stratigraphic boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous is arbitrarily accepted as the northern and southern boundaries of that region, and the Vistula and Pilica rivers - as the eastern and north-western boundaries, respectively. The geological structure and hydrological conditions are highly complex here. The structure has been forming from the Late Precambrian up to the present; therefore, we are dealing with various types of structural stages here. The general hydrogeological characteristics of that region is given and the necessity of protection of fresh water resources is emphasized.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia