Stratygrafia oksfordu SW obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich
STRATIGRAPHY OF THE OXFORDIAN OF SW MARGIN OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS Summary The paper deals with the stratigraphy of the Oxfordian of SW margin of the Holy Cross Mts. Several lithostratigraphic units are distinguished; and their brief characteristic is given and mutual relations are discussed. Figure 1 shows a general profile of Oxfordian strata and Table 1 – correlation of the lithostratigraphic units with biostratigraphic subdivision. The following zones of the Oxfordian are distinguished: mariae, cordatum (including subzones bukowskii, costicardia and cordatum), plicatilis, transversarium, bifurcatus and bimammatum. These zones as well as the planula zone previously distinguished (9), are typical of the Submediterranean province.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia